Showing posts with label Seo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seo. Show all posts

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Change your Blog post Title Tag SEO friendly to increase Google PageRank in Blogger?

Most of the users doesn’t know that title is plays the Essential role in SEO.You have to make search engine friendly Titles to improve your page rank.But the blogger templates are not search engine optimized that is they are not simply compatible to boost up your page rank. If you take a look at your existing Blogger title you’ll see that blogger displays the blog name first then followed by your post title. They have it backwards so let’s get your blog setup properly.
Follow these very simple steps and you can optimize your blog.
1. In your Blogger dashboard, go to “Layout” => “Edit HTML”.
2. In the template code, do a search for this:
It’s usually in the first 5-10 lines of code in your template.
3. Replace the above code with the following code:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>
4. Save your template and go back to your blog. Click into any individual post and look at the page title. Now, your blog is search engine optimized and within few days, you will find your page rank improved provided you keep your blog alive.
After I used this Title change my blog received much more traffic compared to not customized one.

Add Meta Tags Description To Each Blogger/BlogSpot Post like Word Press

This post basically provides a simple Blogger Tip  by which you can increase your traffic. And also, this method improves the SEO of your blog. The popular self hosted blogging Platform Word Press automatically add the META TAG DESCRIPTION for Each post.But in BlogSpot you didn’t have the option like Word press does.But You can Get this Feature By using the following simple Tip.This will increase your Traffic Rate.Your blog have the best chance to place in the Google’s first Result Page. This line is simply a meta tag representing each blogger post rather than the blog as a whole. I assume that you have already added meta tags for your blogger blog. If that is not the case, then you need to view this post , "Add Title Tags To Your Blogger Blog To improve Pagerank" before you proceed with this post. If you had completed the previous step, then follow the following steps.
1. First Go to  Design->Edit HTML. As usual, create a back up of your template before you make any changes to the template. After back up is done, Move to step 2.
2. Search for the following piece of code in your template.

<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>
3. Paste the following piece of code just below the line mentioned in step 2.

<meta expr:content=’data:blog.pageName’ name=’description’/>
4. That’s it.Your blog is ready to get a little more hits than before.
So,After you done this,You can increase your blog search engine Visibility .To keep it very simple, assume that a person searches your blog on any search engine, say Google, then User would see a description written by you beneath the name of your blog as shown in the picture below.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How To write SEO Friendly Blog Posts

seo friendly blog postsSearch Engine Optimization[SEO] may look bit confusing and complicated to the newbie bloggers who have just stepped into the world of blogging. I can represent this situation clearly as a man standing beside a pond and wondering how depth it may be!!, without diving into the pond. Suppose if you won't dare to dive into the pond, you will surely have to search some equipment to check the pond's depth right?!!. In the same way, Search Engine Optimization is no more complicated once after you understand the strategies[depth] behind it. 

To write SEO friendly blog posts, you will have to use some equipments. Are you wondering which equipment could you choose!!?, yeah you are right. Just take a note pad on your hand and start noting the important equipments [strategies] to write a SEO friendly blog posts and start booming on search engines. Hope you got the point right!!. OK then let us discuss about the equipments required.

SEO Friendly Blog Post's Important ingredients

#1. Keyword Research

The first thing you must find is, the booming keyword but not any magical boom. Keyword in manner, the word/phrase the internet users all over the globe searching for!. I can understand that you are wondering about 'How to search for a booming keyword??'. Don't get in dilemma, there are many keyword researching tools out there on web, but i always prefer Google products. So just go through the Google Adwords Keyword research tool and start inputting few popular keywords related to your post concept and click on search button.

seo friendly

The time to be smart comes now!. In the above example i have searched for the keyword "blogger", have a glance over the alternative keywords too like "blogspot". Are you getting confused about which is the best keyword to choose!?. SEO optimization doesn't involve any confusions, newbie bloggers just get confused themselves. It is very clear in the above result chart that you must target on the keyword that has more traffic[searches] but low competition. That makes you to stand high for that keyword search on Google. So in this case, i would choose blogspot rather than blogger to write a SEO friendly blog post.

Hope you got it.

#2. Keyword density matters!!

Keyword stuffing is highly discouraged by the new algorithm of Google i.e., Google Penguin algorithm. The penguin of Google is going to smash you if you are keyword stuffing on your blog posts. Keyword stuffing means nothing but repeating your keyword so many times just keeping search engines in mind. Here is the keyword stuffed example post for you..

"blogspot going to take the lead in blogosphere but content copiers have grown wide in blogspot. blogspot team must take some action on this copying blogspot blogs and ban this blogspot users forever and so on. bla bla bla. . . .."

How was the keyword stuffing huh?!, I would be lucky to have the position atleast in last page of Google for blogspot keyword here :):). So what's the correct manner of using keyword!!?. Well you must always keep your targeted keyword density to 2-3% of the word count of the complete blog post. It means, suppose you have wrote a post of 600 words, then your targeted keyword must be repeated around 12-18 times to be smart in keyword ranking. So its time to dive in to the next SEO friendly weapon now.

#3. Post word count

Word count is one of the important factor considered by Google after the Penguin update. You must always make sure to maintain the word count of your blog posts to be atleast 500 words to be infavor of search engines. If you have existing posts with very less words count, then removing it will surely help you in maintaining the quality of your blog.

#4. Heading tags structure and Keyword usage in it

Using heading tags like h1,h2,h3 on your blog post perfectly and orderly can really help search bots to crawl your blog post clearly and obtain the perfect concept of your post. Keyword usage on your header tags matters a lot. Make sure to include your targeted keyword in h1 and h2 tags. But using the keyword in all the header tags like h1,h2,h3,h4 is discouraged.

#5. Targeted image

A prefect image with alt tag for your blog post really helps your blog post to attain more quality and it evens takes most of the part in attracting your blog visitors to read the blog post. Make sure to represent the post concept in your image itself and add the targeted keyword as alt tag to your post image. 

  • Never Ignore Alt Tag And Image Name Of Your Blog Images

#6. Post title and Permalink must include Keyword

Post title is the king of your blog post and you must always structure your blog post title smartly and SEO friendly. Make sure to include the targeted keyword in your blog post title. Permalink feature is available in all the blogging platforms today. Even blogger introduced permalink option last month. Include your targeted keyword smartly inside the post permalink to make your blog post a perfect SEO friendly blog post.

  • Title Tag And Meta Description Length For Search Engines

#7. Keyword usage in Meta description and Meta keyword

As stated in the title, use your targeted keyword in both meta description and keyword tag of your blog post. However Blogger allows you to input meta description for individual posts but adding meta keywords to blog posts is still not allowed in blogger. In this type of keyword usage strategies, use your keyword only once and don't just repeat your keyword 2-3 times in meta description tag or permalink, post title, etc.


I here by believe that you understood the depth of Search Engine Optimization using these 7 equipments . Just don't include content copying as the 8Th equipment in your blogging  journey and it will override all these 7 . . :) Just dive in now without fear and drive your blog post to the first page of Google like a pro. Time to grab your position now!!. Till that stay updated with my blog and subscribe below to receive further updates directly into your inbox. Kindly show your support by liking / tweeting / +1 this post. 

How To Tweak/Recycle Old Blog posts for Better SEO

I have said in my previous post on survival from Google panda that a newbie blogger starts his/her blogging journey in first stage of blogging and starts learning new things thus stepping to next level of blogging. They even learns to survive among various bloggers and write search engine friendly blog posts, but the very big mistake they perform when stepped to second stage of blogging is, they just neglect their older blog posts written while being a newbie which are out of taste, randomly written, not at all a seo friendly blog post nor a keyword targeted blog post. Tweaking the older blog posts of your blog highly boosts your blog's seo and adds value to them and thus to your blog. In this post I will be teaching you on how to tweak / recycle your older blog posts for better seo.

According to Google Panda algorithm, few number of low quality blog posts on your blog will affect your entire blog ranking as Google panda is a domain level penalty. You really have to spend few days or a week to recycle your older blog posts and remove some of them if it is found worthless reading. Suppose if your blog contains large number of blog posts then it makes a big deal where as if your blog consists of around 100-200 blog posts, you can surely tweak them for better seo results spending a week working on them. So what does the tweaking of older blog posts really involve??. Here is the certain conditions to be followed while tweaking them.

Tweak / Recycle your Old Blog Posts for Better SEO

Keyword Research

Each and every blog posts can be targeted to some keywords. Use some best keyword research tools like Google Adwords keyword tool and input few popular keywords related to your blog post and choose the best one out of alternate keywords. You can get better idea about keyword researching by reading my blog post on how to write search engine friendly blog posts.

SEO friendly Post Title

It's the post title that takes the first priority out of your blog post both in terms of users and search engines. Remove silly post titles and write a post title targeting the keyword you researched and your post title should be within 70 characters limit. Give your best time in writing a perfect blog post title and try to write post titles in how to form ending with a ? (question mark) or a top 10 list that attracts the viewers highly thus generating more CTR.

Post Meta Description

Blogger introduced search preferences option in the month of march 2012 and helped us to gain more control over our blog's SEO. Now you can write meta description for each of your individual blog posts easily and meta description is the second important factor that could grab the viewers attention in search engines. Give your best shot here and write a curious, attractive meta description for your blog posts and keep your meta description within 160 characters.

Post Image optimization

As you all know the blog post images are the third factor that is given more importance by a blog reader, Include a perfect and targeted image on each of your blog posts. Don't just grab the copyrighted images from Google search and always use your own images or use images of Flickr giving a image credit to the image owner. You can go through the creative commons license path in Flickr and search for images under suitable license thus saving your time. Don't ever forget to add your targeted keyword as the alt tag to your blog post images.

Post Words count

Don't blame me for mentioning this in many blog posts:), your post word count is an important seo factor considered by search engines and Google panda or certain algorithms. Its quite true that the blog posts with more words count grabs the highest place on search engines. Writing a blog post of atleast 600 words count is a best practice and writing a blog post of 1000 words count is the perfect practice. A lengthy blog post will also helps you in keeping more density of targeted keyword.

Keyword Density

Keep the targeted keyword density to 2%-3% of the complete words count of your blog post. Less keyword density is not a good practice and more keyword density is considered spammy by search engines. For a better idea about this, suppose if you write a blog post of about 1000 words count, keep your targeted keyword count to 2%-3% of it i.e., around 20-30 counts. It doesn't mean that you use 20 repeated keywords count in a single paragraph!, your targeted keyword density must be throughout your blog post and must not be used inside 1-2 paragraphs.

Internal Linking, External linking and Broken Link check

Internal linking is the best seo practice in effectively passing the pagerank juice all over your blog. Always internal link your blog posts by linking the keywords in the blog post to certain related posts on your blog. Never tag your internal links as nofollow. Its a recommended practice to give dofollow external links to high authority and trusted sites. Nofollow the external links only if it is pointed to any un trusted or low authority site. If you have already inter linked your blog posts then make sure to check the links whether if they are active or dead links. Having more number of broken links on your blog also impacts on your blog ranking according to Google Panda algorithm.

Usage of Heading Tags

Always keep your blog post structure easy and a newbie must also understand the flow of points inside your blog posts. Even search engines highly expects the usage of heading tags like h1, h2, h3 inside your blog posts for better understanding of your blog post structure flow. You can however style these heading tags to make it understandable to users as I have styled the heading tags of my blog posts.

Assigning Labels

Labels of your blog posts are not just a labels farm to assign silly labels / individual labels for each of your blog posts thus keeping 20-30 labels on your blog. Labels play an very important role in reducing the bounce rate of your blog where as high bounce rate is one of the factor to get affected by Google Panda algo. Do you know how it reduce bounce rate??. Today each and every bloggers use some sort of related / recommended posts widget on their blog and these widgets fetches related results depending on the label of the blog post. A blog post labeled SEO must always show SEO related blog posts to keep the visitors flowing around your blog posts for a long time. So make better usage of labels and don't neglect it.

Keep an Eye on Grammar mistakes

Hope you understood this point. Making grammar mistakes is a very silly thing and spend a minute to read your blog posts after completing each blog post. Use proper punctuation and symbols on your blog posts, avoid writing non stop English paragraphs without a comma or full stop.

A Note on Permalinks

Blogger doesn't allow you to change the permalink of a already published blog. Never try to change the permalink of the already published blog posts and that definitely increases the number of broken links on your blog.


Following these conditions will definitely boost the SEO score of your blog posts and a blog post with these ingredients can never be affected by any type of existing or upcoming algorithms of Google. I have tried my level best to write this blog post in normal English keeping the layman English out of this blog post. Kindly let me know if your find difficult in understanding any of the concept explained in this blog post. Like or share this post with your social friends if you agree with this post. Take Care, Happy blogging pals:).