Showing posts with label GOOGLE ADSENSE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GOOGLE ADSENSE. Show all posts

Friday, September 7, 2012

Top 20 Highest Paying Google AdSense Keywords Of 2012

highest paying google adsense keywords
Have you ever wondered why your Google AdSense account pays you out pennies while you still get to read many success stories based on Google AdSense payouts? The entire game lies on the simple 2 factors. The secret of traffic and the use of highest paying Google AdSense keywords in your blog posts.

The niche in which your blog lies plays a huge role in the amount of income your blog would generate for you when it comes to making money online via popular PPC (Pay per Click) platform, Google AdSense.

How Does High Paying Keywords Let Us Make More Money?

Its simple and straight forward. Talk about the big guys and you would be highlight of the market soon. The same goes for Google AdSense. Say on one side you promote a 70CC motor bike and you tend to make 1 sale. On the other side, you friend promotes Rolls Royce and also makes 1 sale. So who wins out?

The same is the case with Google AdSense keywords. If your blog lies in a niche that tends to cover the keywords that are mentioned below, you would certainly make huge bugs with your AdSense account soon. If not, the only bottle neck that may come in your way would be your traffic and thats all.

Adwords Advertisers pay Google for their PPC marketing campaigns behind the scene. So the more they would pay for a certain keywords/s, the higher are your chance to make more money when somebody clicks out those ads on your blog.

Keywords related to 'Lawyers/attorneys' were always popular when it comes to making your life through Google AdSense. The spark in this niche lies in the fact that they tend to get both the arrows on the mark.

Such niches have above average CTR (Click through rates) and also gets more per click. So its a win win situation for them.

Top 20 Highest Paying Google AdSense Keywords Of 2012!

top 20

So take a look at the below keywords for the year 2012 and find where you lack at. BUT do read out the last section of this post. Even though we have this list, it could ruin your blog too! So be cautions. The keywords listed below are Cost Per Click (CPC) rates, that is each time your AdSense ads gets clicked, you get the following bugs straight away in your AdSense accounts. Its funny how high paying these keywords are.

There are people who takes years to get to their first AdSense Cheques for 100$. And with the following keywords, Boom! You're first Cheque would fly in in few days!

Insurance $54.91 
Treatment $37.18 
Loans $44.28 
Attorney $47.07 
Mortgage $47.12 
Hosting $31.91 
Rehab $33.59 
Classes $35.04 
Transfer $29.86 
Recovery $42.03 
Software $35.29 
Claim $45.51 
Trading $33.19 
Lawyer $42.51 
Donate $42.02 
Credit $36.06 
Conference Call $42.05 
Degree $40.61
Gas/Electricity $54.62 
Cord Blood $27.80

What Not To Do?

So its pretty often that newbies tend to get to such Google AdSense High paying keywords list and start using them straight away without knowing the impact they could make on their blog in terms of traffic drop.

whats next

Say your blog is about toothbrushes that pays your pennies per click. Next day you start using Attorney some how in your blog posts! eek Who knows, may be you presents attorneys tooth brushing daily? Weird Haan?

So using out of bound and in appropriate keywords that doesn't suite your blogs posts and doesn't comes in naturally would be a true disaster. So i hope these Google AdSense highest paying keywords would help you out in boosting your AdSense revenue if your blog lies in the certain niche that fits upon this list.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Add Google Adsense ads Below Post Titles in Blogger

google adsense

Google Adsense is the top most ads publishing network throughout the web today. Maximum earnings of almost all the bloggers are being obtained from none other than Google adsense ads and that is why every bloggers represent Google adsense as the maximum revenue generator. That doesn't mean that placing the adsense ads everywhere on your blog gets you maximum revenue. Adsense ads must be placed officially and elegantly to gain more clicks, thus generating more income.

One of the best ad slot choosed by each and every bloggers is, placing the adsense ads just below the post title and before the post body thus ensuring maximum exposure and more attraction towards it. In this post, I am going to give you the tutorial on how to place your adsense ads just below the post titles.

Google Adsense ads placement below Post Titles in Blogger

1. Go to your Google adsense dashboard and create an new ad unit with dimensions corresponding  to your blog and finally copy the html code of your ad unit.

2. Open an HTML Encoder Tool.

3. Paste your adsense code inside the box provided and copy the Encoded code.

4. Now Go to your Blogger Dashboard --> Design --> Edit Html (Tick Expand widget template option) .

5. Now Find (CTRL+F) The Below Code. 

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'> 

6. Paste your Google adsense encoded code just below it like this.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div style='float:left; margin-right:5px;'>

Now You can View your Google adsense ad unit appearing inside your blog posts and below your post titles when you visit a post of your Blog. 

That's It. . . . .!!!!!