Monday, November 26, 2012

Adobe Illustrator CS6 Portable (Multilingual)


Category: Graphics & Pictures

Synopsis: vector graphics editor.

Writes Settings To: Application Folder
How To Extract: extract to desired location, launch 'IllustratorPortable.exe'.

Stealth [?]: Yes

UNC: Yes

Dependencies: Administrative rights, Visual C++ (integrated)

System Requirements: WinXP SP3 and later, 32/64. (Win8)

Architecture x86: (32-bit)
IllustratorPortable_16.0.2.paf.exe | 200 MB | 304 MB (extracted) | CRC-32: 91044c96
IllustratorPortable_16.0.2_LITE.paf.exe | 113 MB | 229 MB (extracted) | CRC-32: 00c5dd5a

Architecture x64: (64-bit)
Illustrator64Portable_16.0.2.paf.exe | 215 MB | 462 MB (extracted) | CRC-32: f3714e83
Illustrator64Portable_16.0.2_LITE.paf.exe | 128 MB | 366 MB (extracted) | CRC-32: 6953e021
For Unicode languages, your Operating System must be same language. ie. Arabic, SimpChinese, TradChinese, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian. More info.
Arabic & Hebrew are hybrid languages. .. read here.
Do not use multiple Adobe products simultaneously.

Nov. 26 - (minor) internal update / updated SharedDLLs implementation scheme for better compatibility / (use of Values vs. Keys)

Friday, November 16, 2012

Add Floating Sharing Buttons To Blogger

Add Floating LikeUs Sharing Buttons To Blogger Blog. Using This Sharing Buttons Your Reader Will Not Disturb While Reading Your Articles.

Sharing Buttons Will Show User's Mouse Cursor Over Like Us. Follow These Steps To Add These Buttons To Your Blog.

How To Install
  1. Next, click on the 'template' tab
  2. Backup your Template before making any changes to your blog
  3. Now Expand Widget Templates
  4.  click on the "Edit HTML".
  5. Now find this code 
  Replace The Above Code With The Code Below.
 <!--Like Box Start-->
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
.tehlike{background:url( no-repeat scroll right center transparent!important;float:right;height:210px;width:60px;z-index:99999;position:fixed;left:-68px;top:12%;padding:0 45px 0 0px}
.tehlik{margin-right:-8px;border:3px solid #000;padding:0;background:#fff;}
<script type='text/javascript'>
jQuery(document).ready(function() {jQuery(&quot;.tehlike&quot;).hover(function() {jQuery(this).stop().animate({left: &quot;0&quot;}, &quot;medium&quot;);}, function() {jQuery(this).stop().animate({left: &quot;-68&quot;}, &quot;medium&quot;);}, 400);});
<div class='tehlike'>
<div class='tehlik'>
<td style='padding:5px 0 0 5px;'>
<iframe expr:src='&quot;; + data:blog.url + &quot;&amp;amp;layout=box_count&amp;amp;show_faces=false&amp;amp;action=like&amp;amp;font=arial&amp;amp;colorscheme=light&quot;' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:56px; height:65px;'/>
<tr><td style='padding:2px 0px 0px 3px;'>
<div class='g-plusone' data-size='tall'/>
<tr><td style='padding:3px 0 0 4px;'>
<div class='addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style '><a class='addthis_counter'/></div>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<tr><td><a href="" style='font-size:10px'>Get Widget</a></td></tr>
<!--Like Box Ends-->

 save and enjoy!

Friday, September 7, 2012

How To Make Money With - Is It Legit or Scam ?

Now this is something unheard for almost all of you. A new way of making money from your Blogs.Blogservicesinc is a company which deals with Advertisers and Publishers but this is not like normal Ad Platforms like Adsense. This is little different.

How To Make Money With - Is it Legit or Scam ?

Before moving on, you may like to read:

For Publishers, what you have to do is that you have to add just one line with a link of the advertiser in your blog Post told by them and you will be paid. 

As this is a new service so they are manually looking for Publishers. If your blog have something according to their Advertisers than they will mail you. Now the question is that should you reply them ? Because mostly such e-mail are scam so may be you are gonna neglect it but don't do this mistake because it is not a scam. This service is totally Legit and you can use it. When you get their e-mail, just reply them and they will further guide you. They will ask you to add one line in your particular blog post just like the one in image below. 

How To Make Money With - Is it Legit or Scam ?

The last line in yellow is the line which i put in my Post and guess what, i got 5 dollars for it :) They will not ask you to add something irrelevant. It will look like that it is the part of your Post Paragraph.

Now the question is that if the links are low quality than what ?

Simple, just add "nofollow" tag to the link and if the advertisers ask you to remove "nofollow" tag than you have to remove but few links will not harm your blog much and in my opinion you can add those links because they are not too bad. 

If they will ask you to remove "nofollow" tag than may simply remove it and after 2-3 weeks when you receive your payment than add the " nofollow " tag again and you will be safe :) 

I got the e-mail and i responded and than they gave me the list of 4 posts of my blog with some lines to add in them which i did and got 20 dollars for 4 posts within 5-7 business days via Paypal. Here is the payment

Proof :

How To Make Money With - Is it Legit or Scam ?

Final words:

Blogservicesinc is not a Scam and they do Pay so try them. If you want to manually contact them than go their website and submit the form and if they have advertisers which suites your blog, they will contact you .

How To Write Great Headlines For Your Articles?

As a blogger and a free-lancer writer I always want to learn more about blogging and writing articles. I daily spend hours on learning how to write great articles. So friends, I thought why I should'nt spread my knowledge about writing productive articles for you.

Headline is one of the main element of article because it tells the whole content of your article in just a sentence. It is the only way to get the millions of readers to your articles. In this post I will teach you some sure fire ways to write awesome headlines for your article.

1. Your headline should be to the point:

It is very important that your headline of your article should be to the point and straight forward. Readers from all around the world are looking for something valuable and something which is useful for them. Your headline should be the short reflection of your whole article. 

Don’t write headlines that are fully opposite to your article as this will create a bad impression to the readers mind.

2. Don’t Deceive Your Readers Through Your Headlines

Headlines plays a very vital role in the attracting visitors to your blogs. Never fool your readers by writing untruth sentences in headlines. This will not only decrease your readership but it also effect on your blog reputation.

3. Use “Why” In Your Headlines

I have come across many blogs and also tried it on my blog, that using the word WHY will attract readers towards your article for example “Why I hate WordPress”, “Why I love Android”. People love to read about others experience about something; so many writers use this technique to get traffic to their articles.

How To Attract New Commentators and Keep Them

attract commentators

Comments represents a blog's active and regular readers. This is one of the major thing newbie bloggers struggle for. Sometimes 0 comments becomes a reason for a new visitor to jump out of your blog without reading your blog posts. So today we are going to discuss on where to find commentators for your blog and keep them. Here at bloggertricks blog, you may have seen many new faces commenting on blog posts. So where does these commentors come from?. You need to be smart yourself asking questions like why should people comment on your blog posts?, what's their kind of interest?. what they are expecting?.

Understanding What the Visitors really Lacks is the deal!!

Finding answers to these questions gets you new commentators on your blog. You know that the best place to attract new commentators to your blog is by commenting wisely on a blog which is of your niche and keeping the attracted commentators on your blog is on your hand. Lets consider that your blog home page is full of blog posts related to technology, you are going to comment on a blog post of another blog which is of your niche but the blog post is about making online money. Here you may attract new commentators from that blog but do you think that these commentators will stay as  regular commentators on your blog?. Never. Its a simple strategy to be understood that, a visitor who have commented on a blog post about online money making is fond of knowing/learning some best ways to earn online money where as your blog home page is full of technology posts and this leads the visitor to jump out of your blog soon after he visits your blog home page rapidly increasing the bounce rate of your blog.
You need to follow this simple law to attract new commentators - Before attracting new commentators from other blogs, You should adopt the habit of writing serial posts of atleast 4 - 5 posts about a certain topic and make sure to comment wisely on a blog post of other blog which is about same topic. But don't forget to include your blog Url with the comment wisely. The fond of visitors about a certain topic always makes them a regular reader and commentator without considering which blog they comment. What they lack is, the information about their specific interest.
But one more thing i wish to say is, attracting the bloggers to comment on my blog have became quite complicated task as the bloggers always comment here only when they face any issue with widget installation or some other guidance and they never bother about spending a minute to comment once they get the post tutorials exactly or if the posted widget worked exactly :). I request users to kindly leave a feedback not only when they face an issue, but also when the tutorials and widgets published on this blog works perfect.

How to Increase your Blog Traffic By 16% In 3 Months

I couple of days back i realised that i hardly did a post about increasing blog traffic directly. Though there are so many other previous posts that revolve around the same idea of blog growth, but i believe it would be a better way to sum them up here with a little experience share with you guys.

I would be showing up BloggingeHow's Traffic progress that i made out in 3 months period. Though i wont be sharing any figures, as i don't think of them as appreciable.razz The whole idea of sharing the graph with you guys, is so to make you more motivated and to make you believe, that if you work hard and focus on building content, Google would bless you with huge Traffic.

How I Managed Such Traffic Rise?

How I Increased My Blog Traffic By 16% In 3 Months
I hardly did anything to be straight. It was you guys who supported me to get through such results. I simply tried to focus on creating content (that i would like to read).

I wrote, what i loved to read my self.

How Could You Generate Traffic For Your Blog Fast?

Its easy, i must say. Easy in sense that if you love what you do, you would feel it as the easiest job ever in your life. I could write straight 10 hours for the blog (cause i love being social and love to get response in return to what i try give to the community).

Thats it! Motivation and the passion to do something is the major driving force behind your blog Traffic. Ask your self? Do you want to carry on with blogging just cause somebody refered to you? Or is it really your dream to do so?

The rest is all about techniques and putting your idea by practical means.

9 MAJOR Ways To INCREASE Your Website / Blog Traffic Like A ROCKET?

How I Increased My Blog Traffic By 16% In 3 Months

Though i have talked about the following points in different posts in detail, i would like to mention them in a list form here. For further detail for any particular Traffic increasing tip, you could refer to the posts linked along them.

Post Articles Consistently

Proper SEO (ON and OFF page search engine optimization)

The articles below sum up the entire 'SEO thing' for your blog. The most important being Meta Tags (blog title, keywords, description, inter post linking, guest posting etc)

Be Patient And Traffic Would Along

This is one of the 18 Common Blogging Mistakes That Kill A Blog.You would feel like you're wasting your time, but there would come a breaking point when your blog's traffic would skyrocket. That's when you're articles start to get noticed by search engines.

DON'T Get Demotivated In The Traffic Variations

 Traffic variations was one of the factors that demotivated me along my blogging road. We all know that we wont get a straight graph for the traffic rise. There are always those odd days when the traffic is down. Some times it even gets to 50% of the average traffic that you get!

How I Increased My Blog Traffic By 16% In 3 Months

Specially on weekends. The traffic is dead low. Though it would vary for every other blog but that's the trend that some times demotivates a blogger. But again, as the traffic rise is 'exponential', you would always get to see those 'GREAT' moments when there would be a sudden in flow of traffic.

So the key is that be focused and don't get demotivated by the traffic variations.

Great Blog Design

Blog design is all about the first impression. I collected couple of great blog headers and footer designs in the posts below. You can compare your blog with them and get ideas for your own one.

Blog design is one of the common blogging mistakes that is referred in : 18 Common Blogging Mistakes That Kill A Blog

Social Media Presence

Growing your blog through social media (Facebook, Twitter and Google+ etc) is a vital Traffic building strategy. Though the first aim of a blogger is to generate traffic through search engines, but as the search engines are getting smarter, they have started to integrate social sharing in the search engine rankings.

How I Increased My Blog Traffic By 16% In 3 Months

The more content is liked by people in social media, the more value it holds in the eyes of search engines, specially Google. The new move being Google+ +1 button. Make sure you have lots of +1s on your behalf smile

Increase Email Subscribers As Fast As You Can

When the reader lands on your blog from search engine for the first time, you could capture him as a email subscriber in your list. Then even if he doest visit your blog frequently, you could still send him the articles (short brief snippets, till jump break) so that he would come by your blog again to read the remaining post.

How I Increased My Blog Traffic By 16% In 3 Months

In that way, you build up your own permanent readership and you no longer remain dependent upon search engines to send you traffic. So the best idea for that purpose is to come up with your own 'eBook', video series, lists of posts, podcast etc.

Give them as a bribe to the visitor and note down their email address in return.

Build a community (Answer all comments, encourage them for more)

Simple, the more you would participate with in your own community, the more it would grow. The commentator would get encouraged if they get the response fast by the blog author or administrator.
That would make them comment each time you write something new.

How I Increased My Blog Traffic By 16% In 3 Months

Thus increasing the traffic.

So yeah! that's pretty much the main points that i followed strictly for the 3 months period and hell yeah! They WORK!.cool

Hope to listen good news from you guys.

What I Want From You Now?

How I Increased My Blog Traffic By 16% In 3 Months

Leave out a comment, mentioning your blog URL and share for how long you have been blogging and if you are getting any rise in the traffic or not. Which of these points do your blog lack at? Any other Traffic Increasing point you would like to mention?

Need response guys How I Increased My Blog Traffic By 16% In 3 Months

Top 20 Highest Paying Google AdSense Keywords Of 2012

highest paying google adsense keywords
Have you ever wondered why your Google AdSense account pays you out pennies while you still get to read many success stories based on Google AdSense payouts? The entire game lies on the simple 2 factors. The secret of traffic and the use of highest paying Google AdSense keywords in your blog posts.

The niche in which your blog lies plays a huge role in the amount of income your blog would generate for you when it comes to making money online via popular PPC (Pay per Click) platform, Google AdSense.

How Does High Paying Keywords Let Us Make More Money?

Its simple and straight forward. Talk about the big guys and you would be highlight of the market soon. The same goes for Google AdSense. Say on one side you promote a 70CC motor bike and you tend to make 1 sale. On the other side, you friend promotes Rolls Royce and also makes 1 sale. So who wins out?

The same is the case with Google AdSense keywords. If your blog lies in a niche that tends to cover the keywords that are mentioned below, you would certainly make huge bugs with your AdSense account soon. If not, the only bottle neck that may come in your way would be your traffic and thats all.

Adwords Advertisers pay Google for their PPC marketing campaigns behind the scene. So the more they would pay for a certain keywords/s, the higher are your chance to make more money when somebody clicks out those ads on your blog.

Keywords related to 'Lawyers/attorneys' were always popular when it comes to making your life through Google AdSense. The spark in this niche lies in the fact that they tend to get both the arrows on the mark.

Such niches have above average CTR (Click through rates) and also gets more per click. So its a win win situation for them.

Top 20 Highest Paying Google AdSense Keywords Of 2012!

top 20

So take a look at the below keywords for the year 2012 and find where you lack at. BUT do read out the last section of this post. Even though we have this list, it could ruin your blog too! So be cautions. The keywords listed below are Cost Per Click (CPC) rates, that is each time your AdSense ads gets clicked, you get the following bugs straight away in your AdSense accounts. Its funny how high paying these keywords are.

There are people who takes years to get to their first AdSense Cheques for 100$. And with the following keywords, Boom! You're first Cheque would fly in in few days!

Insurance $54.91 
Treatment $37.18 
Loans $44.28 
Attorney $47.07 
Mortgage $47.12 
Hosting $31.91 
Rehab $33.59 
Classes $35.04 
Transfer $29.86 
Recovery $42.03 
Software $35.29 
Claim $45.51 
Trading $33.19 
Lawyer $42.51 
Donate $42.02 
Credit $36.06 
Conference Call $42.05 
Degree $40.61
Gas/Electricity $54.62 
Cord Blood $27.80

What Not To Do?

So its pretty often that newbies tend to get to such Google AdSense High paying keywords list and start using them straight away without knowing the impact they could make on their blog in terms of traffic drop.

whats next

Say your blog is about toothbrushes that pays your pennies per click. Next day you start using Attorney some how in your blog posts! eek Who knows, may be you presents attorneys tooth brushing daily? Weird Haan?

So using out of bound and in appropriate keywords that doesn't suite your blogs posts and doesn't comes in naturally would be a true disaster. So i hope these Google AdSense highest paying keywords would help you out in boosting your AdSense revenue if your blog lies in the certain niche that fits upon this list.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Jquery Social Slider Widget for Blogger

jquery social slider widget

I have given you so many social sharing widgets in my previous tutorials. I have even given you many Jquery tutorials and Jquery featured widgets, sliders for blogger blogs. Many of them were eye-catching to the users but still many of them just disappointed the bloggers by taking long time to load. Today i am giving you one of the unique and most inspired social sharing slider widget with Jquery featured and fast loading speed. This slider widget is styled to stand on the top right position and works similar to the 4 in 1 social slider widget shared on this blog. Enjoy this beautiful and very effective widget on your blog and i can say that this widget is really going to catch the attention of maximum users and thus a rapid growth in your social stats. Here is a Demo of the widget.

Jquery Featured Social Slider Widget demo

Jquery Featured Social Slider Widget for Blogger

1. Go to blogger dashboard --> Template --> Edit Html.

2. Find(Ctrl+F) for <body> tag and Paste the following peace of code just below it.

<div class='clear'/>
/*Social Sharing Top Slider WIdget By BloggerTricks.Biz*/
ul#navigation {
position: fixed;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
top: 0px;
right: 0px;
list-style: none;
ul#navigation li {
width: 103px;
ul#navigation li a {
display: block;
margin-top: -2px;
width: 100px;
height: 25px;
background-position:50% 10px;
border:1px solid #BDDCEF;
-moz-border-radius:0px 0px 10px 10px;
-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;
-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;
-khtml-border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;
-khtml-border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;
opacity: 0.96;
ul#navigation li a:hover{
ul#navigation li a span{
font-family:trebuchet-ms, arial, tahoma, Sans-Serif;
text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px #fff;
ul#navigation .facebook a {
background-image: url(;
ul#navigation .twitter a {
background-image: url(;
ul#navigation .googleplus a {
background-image: url(;
ul#navigation .rss a{
background-image: url(;
ul#navigation .Contact a {
background-image: url(;
/*Social Sharing Top Slider Widget Style End By BloggerTricks.Biz*/
<script src='' type='text/javascript'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
$(function() {
var d=300;
$(&#39;#navigation a&#39;).each(function(){
$(&#39;#navigation &gt; li&#39;).hover(
function () {
function () {
<ul id='navigation'>
<li class='facebook'><a href=''>Facebook</a></li>
<li class='twitter'><a href=''>Twitter</a></li>
<li class='googleplus'><a href=''>Google+</a></li>
<li class='rss'><a href=''>RSS</a></li>
<li class='Contact'><a href=''>Contact Us</a></li></ul>

3. Save the Template.


  • Replace with your Facebook Page Url.
  • Replace with your Twitter Profile Url.
  • Replace with your Google Plus Url.
  • Replace with your RSS Feed Url.
  • Replace with your Contact Us Page Url.

Finally, View Your Blog and There Comes the elegant Jquery social slider at the top right of your blog.

Kindly let me know your feedback and difficulties in adding the widget on your blog in the comment section below. Stay updated with the blog for further spicy updates. Take care pals. .